John Kekes implores us not to delude our politics with abstraction or idealism, but instead to hold fast to the tried and true.
Johnathan O'Neill
book reviews
Johnathan O'Neill.
Oct 12, 2023
A work of history sheds light on contemporary questions by explaining where we've been.
Jul 5, 2023
Congress can reform itself from within, as it has several times throughout its history, when enough people became dissatisfied with the status quo.
May 26, 2023
In the twentieth century, various intellectual factions struggled to define how conservatism should respond to a transformed constitutional order.
Jan 31, 2020
Johnathan O'Neill and Joseph Postell respond to Bruce Frohnen's review of their American Conservatism, 1900-1930.
Johnathan O'Neill is Professor of History at Georgia Southern University and author of Conservative Thought and American Constitutionalism since the New Deal.