What is the proper relationship between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of men?
Kai Weiss
The two great minds once conversed on the role of public intellectuals in democratic societies.
The legacy of Angela Merkel's 16-year reign as Chancellor of Germany is more complicated than Kati Marton's hagiography suggests.
Classical liberalism is still sorely needed, but it must remain rooted in a larger Western tradition.
Why do Europeans lack the enthusiasm that so many Americans have for Ayn Rand and her ideas?
Behind Orbán's attractive rhetoric, we find a Prime Minister and a group of friends building a quasi-oligarchy on the backs of Hungary's citizens.
The Austrian School founder, Carl Menger, could speak of the common good and patriotism without falling into socialism, nationalism, or protectionism.
Conservatives should not resort to the false promise of centralized political decision-making to fulfill their hopes of social recovery.
As we look back on Ratzinger and the times he lived through—we might see him as a prophet of our time.
Tomáš Halík's memoir is also the story of a people enduring difficulties and eventually ascending spiritually and peacefully as a free people.
Kai Weiss considers Lord Acton's timely essay "Nationality" to better understand our current political fevers.
Many of the crises that national conservatives want to fix were, in part, created by politicians thinking they can solve every malady.
Kai Weiss is the Research Coordinator of the Austrian Economics Center, and a board member at the Friedrich A. v. Hayek Institute.