Universities claim that certain groups are "underrepresented" on their campuses. This claim needs scrutiny.
Teresa R. Manning
If a law is not needed, it remains on the books waiting to be put to use—and often a use other than what was originally intended.
Many left-wing law professors fail to appreciate how unique and precious our Constitution truly is.
Recent federal court rulings are huge victories for Title IX fairness and major setbacks for extremist feminists in higher education and elsewhere.
Financial incentives need to promote responsibility, and the public interest, not the opposite.
The last word is no longer with the campus Title IX office, or the Oval Office, but is instead with controlling federal appellate authority.
Teresa R. Manning is the Policy Director at the National Association of Scholars, Vice-President of the Virginia Association of Scholars, and former law professor at the Scalia Law School, George Mason University. She is most recently the author of Dear Colleague: The Weaponization of Title IX.