Fourth Annual Originalism Works in Progress Conference
On Friday and Saturday, the University of San Diego’s Originalism Center (of which I am the Director) will be holding the Fourth Annual Hugh and Hazel Darling Originalism Works in Progress Conference in San Diego. Each year, the Center selects 7 outstanding works on constitutional originalism to be given at the Conference where leading originalist scholars can debate them. The Conference is now one of the leading academic originalist events during the year.
At this year’s conference, the seven papers are (in alphabetical order by author):
1. James Allan (Queensland), Australian Originalism without a Bill of Rights: Going Down the Drain with a Different Spin
Commentator: Grant Huscroft (Western Ontario)
2. William Baude (Stanford Constitutional Law Center), Rethinking the Federal Eminent Domain Power
Commentator: Martin Redish (Northwestern)
3. Thomas Colby (George Washington), Originalism and the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment
Commentator: Michael McConnell (Stanford)
4. Allan Hutchinson (Osgoode Hall), Originalist Sin
Commentator: Lawrence Solum (Georgetown)
5. Gregory Maggs (George Washington), Using Dictionaries from the Founding Era as a Source of the Original Meaning of the Constitution
Commentator: Lawrence Solan (Brooklyn)
6. Gerard Magliocca (Indiana), John Bingham and the Drafting and Defense of the Fourteenth Amendment
Commentator: Earl Maltz (Rutgers)
7. John McGinnis (Northwestern), Is Judicial Restraint an Originalist Method?
Commentator: Randy Barnett (Georgetown)
At some point in the future, a video of the event will be available. Videos of past conference are available at the Originalism Center’s website.