Dec 28, 2012
Friday Roundup, June 22
- At Econlog, David Henderson gives his fiscal history lesson.
- The European Union’s Court of Justice provides an even worse remedy.
- The battle is now joined: Dodd-Frank has been challenged by Boyden Gray’s firm and the State National Bank of Big Spring in federal court. Gray first expressed his ideas on Dodd Frank’s unconstitutionality in widely cited piece in Engage. The suit will put these ideas to the test.
- The Federalist Society’s Faculty Book Podcast hosts Stephanos Bibas on his new book, The Machinery of Criminal Justice.
- Walter Olson at Overlawyered provides a roundup of posts on the Court’s decision yesterday in Knox v. SEIU upholding the right of nonunion employees in closed shop states to not be assessed political dues without their consent.
- Joseph Knippenberg at the First Thoughts blog reflects on Peter Singer’s recent narrow argument for religious liberty.
- The man from Tennessee evaluates (link no longer available) President Obama’s assertion of Executive Privilege.
- Finally, Bruce Thornton’s timely ideas for light summer beach reading.