Sep 8, 2015
Friday Roundup, November 22nd
- A new Liberty Law Talk is available on how the growth in interest group politics and a centralized administrative state undermines America’s exceptional principles regarding immigration.
- Our feature book essay this week: Reviewing the extraordinary path to power of Obamacare:
The story of the Affordable Care Act is as twisted and bizarre as anything ever written by Stephenson, Kafka, or Orwell. It is an Act that saw the President oppose his signature legislation, before he supported it, and that saw the President’s challenger sire the Act, before he disowned it. The Act sparked conservative outrage around the country, though it was conceived in the heart of the conservative movement. It passed only through handouts to some States, but was partially stricken as violating the financial free will of all the States. And, of course, it is an Act that raised no taxes, but that survives as a valid exercise of the taxing power.
- From Econ Lib—the greatest Economics blog going: Euro-Fantasies.
- Just when you thought it was safe to buy a home again, we now learn that they are a threat to the planet.
- The Department of Justice drops its suit against the voucher-based Louisiana Scholarship Program. If successful, this suit would have forced children, many of them minorities, back into under-performing schools to meet racial integration goals.
- John Taylor is giving no slack to Paul Krugman.
- Lawrence Summers on the economies of China and India.