
Liberty Fund's 2013 Constitution Day Symposium: "Liberty, Federalism, and the American Constitution"

events.libertyfund.org_constitutionIf you live in Indianapolis, you will not want to miss this exciting Constitution Day Symposium: “Liberty, Federalism, and the American Constitution” that is being sponsored by Liberty Fund and Sagamore Institute.

Law and Liberty’s Michael Greve is one of the featured speakers, along with John Eastman, Neil Siegel, and Geoffrey Slaughter. Needless to say, if Greve has left you in stitches on this site with his indictment of cartelized federalism and his hopes for a renewed competitive federalism, then imagine him in real time.

Details: September 17th, 4.30-6.30 @Indiana Landmarks Facility in downtown Indianapolis.

RSVP to the following email address: [email protected]

We look forward to the event and hope to see you there.