Wokeness is a fusion of earlier movements, and John O'Sullivan has seen them all.
James Allan
The country is now debating a proposed constitutional amendment that would give Aboriginal people special political status.
Two leftists acknowledge that Covid policy in the West was an unmitigated disaster.
For years, the University of San Diego's law school set the standard for intellectual excellence and diversity.
Australia's unique electoral system has interesting effects on how voters make their decisions.
One of the biggest casualties of the last two years may be the general public’s confidence in the “expert class.”
Australia's decision will do more to advertise the anti-vax position than quietly letting the tennis star play would have.
Professional sports is ruthlessly meritocratic. Why are so many stars wallowing in bumper sticker moralizing?
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has judicialized and thereby enervated politics.
James Allan is Garrick Professor in Law at the University of Queensland.