We can restore genuine liberal education and the higher mission of our universities while resisting the pull of endemic ideological advocacy.
Discussions & debates on the pressing issues of our current political scene.
Civic reformers and education professionals are in a position to rise up and rebuild the study of our government’s foundations.
Civic thought and leadership institutes will thrive if they promote strong scholarship and courses in traditional fields the mainstream academy slights.
Many Americans are looking for any possible way to push back against centralized, often illegitimate authority. Nullification is not the way to do it.
We need assertive states to push the federal government back into its constitutional boundaries.
Nullification emerged from the fact that neither the federal nor the state governments are sovereign. The people of the states are sovereign.
One need not endorse nullification to recognize a serious problem with relying only on the federal government to protect the reserved authority of states.
A multipolar world order is emerging, and America must prepare to meet it.
Formulating a grand strategy for the twenty-first century will require robust debate on our interests, circumstances, and values.
To protect its freedom and prosperity, America doesn't need monsters to destroy, or a league of democracies to lead.
To win the new Cold War, indeed to prevent World War III, the West needs a more proactive approach to its enemies.
Halford Mackinder, Alfred Thayer Mahan, and Nicholas Spykman have returned to haunt the twenty-first century.
Today’s great power competition with China is unlike anything we have seen in the past
US policymakers have the means at hand to achieve the ends of confining and constraining the aggression and ambitions of great power competitors.