Dec 7, 2012
Friday Roundup, September 7th
- Don’t miss this discussion at Law and Liberty’s Forum on Michael Oakeshott’s rule of law as the key principle of freedom.
- David Henderson at EconLog critiques Northwestern economist Robert Gordon’s paper “Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds.”
- With the NFIB v. Sebelius decision shaping our politics this podcast from the Federalist Society Faculty Book Podcast featuring Professor Scott Gerber’s new book, A Distinct Judicial Power: The Origins of an Independent Judiciary, 1606-1787 is worth considering.
- Walter Olson has a great roundup of coverage on asset forfeiture practices by local governments around the country.
- Re: Class Action lawsuit abuse: Ted Frank reports on “the Center for Class Action Fairness attempt … in In re Johnson & Johnson Shareholder Derivative Litigation to dismiss shareholder litigation that makes cosmetic changes to corporate governance, and then presents a $10.45 million bill to shareholders—150% of the already high “lodestar”—for the involuntary consulting arrangement.”
- Steve Horwitz at LearnLiberty on the importance of the distinction between pro-market v. pro-business.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Lessons for Liberty.